New BrainVoyager EDU Version Now Available
18 03, 20
We are happy to announce that the new BrainVoyager EDU version is now available for free download! The educational (EDU) version of BrainVoyager allows anyone to learn how to analyse structural and functional MRI data using the powerful computational tools and visualization features of the commercial BrainVoyager product. BrainVoyager EDU is a fully functional version of BrainVoyager but its operations are limited to datasets such as the data used in our "Getting Started Guide". Additional datasets can be enabled to provide the possibility to run e.g. BrainVoyager training courses with custom data. For detailed information, check the BrainVoyager EDU product page or go directly to the download page.
Discussion Forum and Animated Online Tutorials
16 02, 01
Brain Innovation B.V. announces the immediate availability of a discussion forum as well as animated online tutorials to further improve customer support. The goal of the discussion forum is a) to try to connect the people with questions to the people with the answers and b) to provide help from members of Brain Innovation B.V. and other experienced BrainVoyager users serving as moderators for the various sub forums. To get started, check the messages in the "Announcements" sub forum.
The online tutorials will help beginners to get started with BrainVoyager by guiding them step-by-step through all basic data analysis and visualization steps. In the future, animated presentations will also be used to introduce new features of BrainVoyager.