Exhibition at 25th Annual OHBM Meeting in Rome
06 06, 19
If you are attending the Human Brain Mapping conference in Rome stop by at our booth (#7) and you'll meet BrainVoyager experts answering your questions! We are thrilled to show you on a large touch screen the new BrainVoyager 21.4 version with touch-enabled volume and mesh viewers, enhanced BIDS-compatibility, NIfTI support and much more! We are especially excited to show you our new BrainVoyager EDU version that can be used without restrictions free of charge for enabled (BIDS) datasets BrainVoyager EDU is the ideal software to teach (e.g. in courses) and (self-)learn how to analyse and visualise structural and functional neuroimaging data from basic to advanced tools including scripting and programming using Python. You can also see the 4.0 version of our real-time fMRI software Turbo-BrainVoyager that features MNI support, GPU based high-quality motion correction and tools important for clinical neurofeedback studies. In our partnership with NIRx we will not only present the latest version of our released real-time fNIRS software Turbo-Satori but also provide a first look at our upcoming offline software Satori for multi-session and group analyses. You can also play with our new augmented reality iOS app Scan My Brain as well as our virtual reality software Brain Tutor VR.