Release of BrainVoyager QX 2.4 with new features and enhancements
04 01, 12
BrainVoyager QX 2.4 is a major update providing many new features, enhancements and bug fixes and is recommended for all users. The new features include automatic Talairach transformation, calculation and visualization of shortest paths on folded meshes, a new EPI distortion plugin and support for topographic analysis of fMRI data with very high (sub-millimeter) spatial resolution at multiple cortical depth levels. It also provides substantial enhancements including improved handling of serial correlations in fMRI data (AR(2) model), better time course normalization for improved second-level statistical analysis and a General Least Squares (GLS) modeling tool. The EMEG tools have been substantially enhanced including a channel configuration editor, a novel technique to remove BCG artifacts from simultaneous EEG-fMRI measurements and tools for the selection of temporal ICA components. To get BrainVoyager QX 2.4, go to the Downloads page and select the appropriate version for your operating system.
Release of BrainVoyager QX Version 1.6 with exciting new features
09 11, 05
The new release of BrainVoyager QX is now available for download containing many new features, improvements and bug fixes. New plugins allow, for example, to estimate influences between brain areas (Granger Causality Mapping, implemented by Alard Roebroeck), multiple comparison correction using a cluster-size threshold (implemented by Fabrizio Esposito) and BOLD Latency Mapping (implemented by Fabrizio Esposito).
Release of BrainVoyager QX 1.7 with exciting new features
21 04, 06
he new release of BrainVoyager QX is now available for download containing many new features, improvements and bug fixes. Advanced segmentation tools allow high-quality segmentation of the white / grey matter and grey / CSF boundaries, which can be used to measure cortical thickness in individual brains. Furthermore, group-level cortical thickness analysis (CTA) can now be performed using cortically aligned brains. The new "Self-Organizing Group ICA Plugin", implemented by Fabrizio Esposito, allows group level ICA by analyzing the spatial similarity of independent components across subjects. The "NIfTI-1 Converter Plugin", implemented by Hester Breman, allows to exchange data with other fMRI software packages. Check the release notes for a description of additional substantial enhancements and important bug fixes.
Release of BrainVoyager QX 1.8 with substantial enhancements
24 07, 06
The new release of BrainVoyager QX is now available for download containing new features, substantial improvements and many bug fixes. The ANCOVA module has been enhanced providing two important new models for random effects group analyses; for details, check the new documentaton in the User's Guide. The new "Group Data Simulator Plugin" creates multi-subject data sets allowing to test new analysis tools as well as to learn how to analyze planned fMRI experiments. The new "Fuzzy Clustering of Time Courses" plugin allows to cluster voxels of VTC data sets with respect to the similarity of their time courses. For details about the new plugins, check the respective documentation. Please also check the release notes for a description of additional substantial enhancements and bug fixes.