BrainVoyager QX 1.9 for Windows

The latest version 1.9.10 is available as an update of 1.9.9 via the automatic update function. To update 1.9.9 to the latest version, click the "Help > Check For Updates" menu item.

To download a full installer of BrainVoyager QX 1.9.10 (build 1095), click on the link below. To install the program, double click the downloaded executable (.exe file) and follow the instructions of the Installation Wizard. In case you have an older version of BrainVoyager QX, close any running instance prior to installation. We highly recommend to deinstall any older version of BrainVoyager QX before running the installer. We also recommend to re-install the HASP driver during installation (in case you use a local dongle) to ensure that you use the latest driver version.

bullet setup_bvqx_v1910.exe (66.30 MB)

System requirements.Version 1.9 of BrainVoyager QX is fully compatible with Microsoft Winodws XP and Microsoft Windows Vista. While not tested extensively, the program also runs on Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows 98. While many operations of BrainVoyager QX run with modest working memory demands, a minimum of 1 GB is recommended.

Documentation. Please read the release notes and consult the updated User's Guide to learn about new features, enhancements and bug fixes. It is also recommended to use the "Automatic Update Utility" (Help | Check For Updates...) regularly to check for updates of the program and the User's Guide. The User's Guide and additional documentation is also available online. We furthermore recommend to check for new or updated plugins. If you want to learn basic and advanced features of BrainVoyager QX, it may be useful to start with example data sets, which are also used in our BrainVoyager QX Training Courses. If you have any questions, suggestions or bug reports, please send an email to "support at BrainVoyager dot com".

Licensing info. Note that BrainVoyager QX works only in combination with the HASP licensing system, i.e. you need either a HASP dongle for a single user license or a HASP floating network license. Please make sure that you use the latest HASP drivers to avoid licensing problems. It is possible to upgrade your license remotely (e.g. to enable the DTI tensor calculation feature), which requires the HASP "customer.exe" software. Click here to download this executable. For further assistance contact sales _at_ brainvoyager _dot_ com.