BrainVoyager QX v2.8

TMS Neuronavigation

Prior to BrainVoyager QX 2.4, a real-time neuronavigation module was available on the Windows platform. While this TMS module is still available for previous customers, a more specialized standalone software program called "TMS Neuronavigator" has been developed that is easier to use and contains more neuronavigation-specific features. If you are interested in this software, please contact support at brainvoyager dot com. The TMS Neuronavigator supports Zebris and NDI digitizers for coregistration of digitized external coordinate systems with the internal MRI-based BrainVoyager coordinate system; this makes it possible to navigate an attached TMS coil (or similar device) in real-time to functional and anatomical target regions of a subject's brain (see snapshot above). Since the coregistration is properly updated over time, events in the real world, i.e. moving a TMS coil to the subjects head, are directly visible within the corresponding MRI space as represented with (transparent) head and brain meshes in the surface module of BrainVoyager QX. Full documentation about real-time neuronavigation is included in the TMS Neuronavigator software and can be also found on our web site.

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